Saturday, 11 September 2010

A Break, and What Next?

Wow, I've been off for a while! I must give sincerest thanks to those who are still checking in here - I've barely even had time to keep up with my favourite blogs lately, so I appreciate those who continue to read very much.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about the direction this blog is going to take. I don't have a niche, or a particularly strong idea. I do, however, know that I'm really not a naturally happy-clappy person. Any efforts I may have made to emulate the feeling some of my favourite lifestyle blogs just haven't felt like my real voice, and the best responses I've received have been when I've been, well, a little bit rant-y.

So, instead of lifestyle, I'm going to just do *my* life - what I'm thinking about; what's happening here; what really gets me enthused, good or bad. There will also be full wedding and honeymoon reports - I have to share my extensive photo collection with someone and my disastrously slow laptop just isn't up to the challenge right now!

Massive thanks to Fliss at AnyOtherWedding for giving me that kick... And watch this space!

The picture? I'm a bit of an Americana-geek. Having my first Twinkie from a convenience tour in a small California town excited me more than it would most people.

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